Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Such a wonderful, wonderful day!

On Friday, Oct. 19th Drew was sworn in as a member of the Kentucky Bar Association.  He worked so hard to get to this point and we were so proud.  Gene was so honored to get to introduce his son to the Justice of the Supreme court.  It is something that we will never forget.

 Gene and I both got a little teary-eyed.  3 generations of the family have stood in this same room and taken the same oath.  I know that Daddy was there in spirit and was so proud too.

Happy, happy day!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Breaks Interstate Park

Our last camping trip of the year was to Breaks Interstate Park.  We had a great site on top of the mountain.  It is a nice campground with a lot of full hook up sites.  This is site 72.  The weather was beautiful and warm...even the bugs were out!  The leaves hadn't turned as much as we had hoped, but it was still pretty.

They had a molasses cook-off.  It was really neat to see how it was made and it smelled soooo good! 

Here is Gene on the Tower Trail.  The trails in this park were beautiful, but they are also very dangerous.  One mis-step and it is a long way down.  This is definitely not a trail to hike with young children.  We really enjoyed the trails.  We didn't get to all of the trails, but maybe we will go back someday.

True, true, true

Don't get to close to the edge!

If you look closely you can see the kayakers taking a break from riding the rapids!  It was fun watching the constant parade of kayaks

The view from our campsite

Old school on the property

Small lake

We hiked the trail that went around the lake and the colors  were so pretty.
 Well, the little camper is home for the winter and all snugged in.  Now, I'm already anxious for the spring trips we will hopefully take!

Monday, October 15, 2012

OK Lord, the Copes have had enough tragedy for a while!

I went to Louisville last week to attend the funeral of my 45 year old cousin.  She died in her sleep of a heart attack.  She was so sweet.  I had messages from her weekly on facebook.  She had 3 children, 1 grandson and 2 grandkids on the way.  She was a hard worker and finished her BS in nursing while working full time and being a mother.  She loved her family so much.   She was the 6th member of my daddy's family to die within the last 14 months.   We lost my cousins 9 yr old grandson to cancer, Uncle Cecil, Daddy, Aunt Shirley, Aunt Bea and now Kandi......been a really tough year........RIP Kandi

Fall Trip North

We got to chaperone a preschool trip for Sarah's class to the Apple Orchard.  It was so much fun!

Sarah and her classmates got to go into a pumpkin patch and choose a pumpkin and they got two apples from the orchard.

Sarah took her first ride on a big school bus!  Of course, Poppy and Mimi were the first car in line behind the bus.  It was hard to keep up at times.....bus drivers are maniacs!

Sarah and her friends listen intently to the Apple Orchard presentation

Sarah in the bright green getting on the bus for the ride back to school!

She loves playhouses, and this place had several!

Then, later in the day we got to go and watch Aaron play flag football!  Sarah wasn't a big fan and kept coming up with excuses to leave.
Paige, Sarah and Poppy cheering Aaron on!
The players all play at each position.  Aaron is at center now!

Waiting for the pass.  He scored!

Making a pass for a score.  He loves it and gets so excited!

And no trip north is complete without a trip to the Wild West Town!
Sarah saw this pink, glittery hat and had to have it!

Of course, the hat has a princess crown on it!

Riding the canoe

Aaron mounting up....his horse was a little wild.  He is wearing the headdress that he won in the shooting gallery!  He was so excited when he won the hat shooting a cork gun at a target.......high fives all around!

The merry-go-round goes around, and around, and around.......

Sarah checking out the teepee after she traded her bead necklace for a pumpkin.

Aaron on the roller coaster.  Sarah and I rode once around with him and it just about shook me to were taken of my ride, but fortunately they didn't turn out.....can't imagine the look on my face

 We got to watch Paige run in a 5K.  She was awesome.  It was a hilly course.

It was a great trip.  Grandparents that are close enough to watch and attend all the events that their grandkids are in are soooooooo lucky.  I hope they appreciate it!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Worst Day of My Life

was one year ago and miss you so much Daddy.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"I've Fallen and I can't Get Up" or Men are No Help!

I have caught a bug or something that has made me pretty sick this week.  So, at 4 am I go downstairs to get a drink of water.  Walk into the family room with my water and start profusely sweating and faint dead out.  Well, I come to but was too weak to get up, so I start to yell "help" stirring from upstairs...So, I crawl into the bathroom and try to pull myself up to the sink to put cold water on my face and faint dead out again....So, here I am, laying half in the bathroom and half in the foyer, sweating so bad that when I come to my face is laying in sweat!  Once again I start with the "help"; no response again......So I just laid in the floor for about 1/2 an hour and was finally able to get to my feet, splash water on my face and go back to bed....MEN!!  But, in all fairness to the husband, he told me he would get me a whistle to wear while I am sick!!!!